Boating Season is almost here people, the Snapper are having a nibble and we have seen some glimpses of awesome weather inbetween the windy sessions. You should either have you current boat booked in for a service, or be well advanced in your search to purchase a new or used boat ready for a big summer. If you are thinking of buying your first boat, there is a lot to learn before making a decsion. Our job is to help you through the process by educating you on the pros and cons, the do’s and dont’s and making sure you end up with a boat that will do what you want it to do. With our range we have it all covered, from Sports Cruisers to get you out on long weekend sleepovers, to wake surf and water skiing boats, offshore and inshore fishing boats, day boats, dinghies, inflatables and a big range of cross- over options. Aussie Boat Sales new boat range starts at 3 metresand goes right up to 20 metres. We also have some of the best pre-owned boat stock we have ever seen, with something for everyone. This summer is the one youve been waiting for – Its time to ‘Get out on the Water’ with Aussie Boats Sales.